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Kathryn C. Sole: Publications

J. J. Taute, K. C. Sole, E. Hardwick (2014). Removal of zinc from a base-metal solution by ion exchange at Rustenburg Base Metal Refiners. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 89, 919–926.

J. J. Taute, K. C. Sole, E. Hardwick (2013). Zinc removal from a base-metal solution by ion exchange. Process design to full-scale operation. SAIMM Base Metals 5th Conference, Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Johannesburg, pp. 179–192.

T. Gangazhe, K. C. Sole, J. Peterson (2011). Solvent-extraction options for zinc recovery from high chloride leach liquors. Proceedings International Solvent Extraction Conference ISEC 2011, Paper No. 50, Gecamin, Santiago, CD-ROM.

K. C. Sole, H. Fuls, J. Gnoinski (2009). Skorpion Zinc:  Facilitating mine-to-metal zinc production through solvent extraction. Mintek 75 Conference, Mintek, South Africa.

J. Gnoinski, K. C. Sole, D. R. Swart, R. Maluleke, G. Díaz, F. Sánchez (2008). Highlights and hurdles in zinc refining by solvent extraction: the Skorpion Zinc experience. Proceedings International Solvent Extraction Conference ISEC 2008, Tucson, USA, pp. 201–208.

M. Langton, K. C. Sole, A. Rampersad, H. Fuls, C. Blaauw, B. Martinson (2008). Innovations in the configuration of a pinned-bed clarifier for clarification of a zinc leach liquor. Proceedings International Solvent Extraction Conference ISEC 2008, Tucson, AZ, USA, pp. 485–490.

J. Gnoinski, K. C. Sole (2008). The benefits and influence of an upstream solvent extraction circuit on the electrowinning of zinc in sulphate media:  the Skorpion Zinc process. Proceedings Hydrometallurgy 2008, Society for Mining, Exploration and Petroleum, Boulder, USA, pp. 600–607.

K. C. Sole, J. Gnoinski, H. Fuls (2007). Solvent extraction in the primary processing of zinc: the Skorpion Zinc experience. Proceedings Hatch Hydrometallurgical Conference on Operations and Recently Developed Processes, Broederstroom, South Africa (CD-ROM).

K. C. Sole, R. J. Stewart, R. F. Maluleke, A. Rampersad, A. E. Mavhungu (2007). Removal of entrained organic phase from zinc electrolyte: Pilot-plant comparison of CoMatrix and carbon filtration, Hydrometallurgy, 89, 11–20.

H. Fuls, K. C. Sole, T. Bachmann (2005). Solvent extraction of zinc from a primary source: the Skorpion Zinc experience. Proceedings International Solvent Extraction Conference ISEC 2005, Beijing, China (CD-ROM).

K. C. Sole, S. A. Scott (2005). Pilot-plant comparison of Bateman pulsed columns and mixer settlers for the extraction and stripping of zinc in the di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid system. Proceedings International Solvent Extraction Conference ISEC 2005, Beijing, China (CD-ROM).

P. M. Cole, K. C. Sole (2003). Zinc solvent extraction in the process industries, Minerals Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 24, 91–137.

P. M. Cole, K. C. Sole (2002). Solvent extraction in the primary and secondary recovery of zinc, Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, (Nov/Dec), 451–456.

P. M. Cole, K. C. Sole (2002). Solvent extraction in the primary and secondary recovery of zinc. Proceedings International Solvent Extraction Conference ISEC 2002, K. C. Sole, P. M. Cole, J. S. Preston, D. J. Robinson (eds.), South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Johannesburg, pp. 863–870.



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